Estonian Entrepreneurship University of Applied Sciences in cooperation with Ülemiste City is proud to announce the 10th Annual Entrepreneurship and Innovation Conference (EIC)



Digital Data/Design • Innovation • Entrepreneurship • Technology


6th October 2022 at Öpiku Conference Centre, Ülemiste City, Tallinn, Estonia.


Photo gallery

Speakers’ video recordings


Poster Session


Moderator Johannes Tralla

9.00–10.00 Registration, morning coffee
10.00–10.10 Conference welcome words

Keynote Speakers on the topics as follow:

  • Linnar Viik – IT scientist, entrepreneur and IT visionary “Rhetoric and reality of climate neutrality”
  • Andres Sutt – Member of Parliament, former Minister of Entrepreneurship and IT – “Going green – the greatest opportunity of our times”
12.00–12.45 Lunch

Presentations of scientific papers:

  • Inga Uvarova “Circular Economy in Business: Is It a Fashionable Green Diet, New Religion or Profitable Value Creation?”, BA School of Business and Finance, Riga Stradins University (Latvia)
  • Magnus Thor Torfason, Ana Orelj“It’s the people: Friends in pixels as motivation to contribute to community innovation initiatives”, University of Iceland School of Business (Iceland)
  • Ingrit Roosileht, Maria Tamm, Maiken Kull, Marek Alliksoo, Aire Olesk“Major outcome from the Space4UAM project – UAM roadmap for cities”, Estonian Aviation Academy (Estonia)
  • Marika Eik, Margarita Matson, Juri Belikov“Modelling of Traffic Flow Considering Weather Properties: Case Study of Ülemiste City”,  Estonian Entrepreneurship University of Applied Sciences, Ülemiste City, Tallinn University on Technology (Estonia)
  • Viktorija Prilenska“GreenTwins:  A Collaborative Planning Support System (CPSS) for better decisions in relation to urban green infrastructure”,  Tallinn University on Technology (Estonia)


All posters can be found here!

14.00–14.20 Coffee break

Keynote Speakers on the topic as follows:

What is Green DIET? An example of its benefits and good practices. (Stories of digital and green transformations – perspective of organisations)

  • Hendrik Roosna – CEO, fintech expert and sustainability enthusiast, Upgraded Technologies, Fairown Finance – “How to Make the Circular Economy Work?”
  • Otto Richard Pukk  – CEO and Incap Corporation’s President – “Does Green Innovation increase enterprise value and how (in the long term)? Experiences on how to root innovation culture in an organisation?”
  • Graham Dodge – Executive Director, MAGIC (USA) – “Technology Driven Economic Development and Innovation – Interdependency Between Academia and Industry Sectors”


“How can universities leverage digital innovation to craft a green future and how can they provide the best support to increase green innovation and business growth of companies?”
International panel of elected representatives from companies and universities:

17.00–18.00  Closing of the Conference, Coffee & 10th Anniversary Cake
17.30–18.30  Post-conference tour in Ülemiste City and EUAS Campus



The Conference will be held at Öpiku Conference Centre (Valukoja 8), Ülemiste City, Tallinn, Estonia.


Ülemiste City is The Place where future happens. It’s the largest Smart City in the Baltics and the biggest privately-owned business campus in Northern Europe.