13 dets. Wouters International Legal Standards for the Protection from Refoulement
Wouters` book contains an analysis of other instruments that better support and define the concept and nature of non-rejection. In particular, the author assumes that the international protection on which refugee status is based is based on the prevention of human rights violations. Therefore, sending the person to a place where his or her life poses a high risk or where his or her liberty is threatened for certain reasons would constitute such a violation. The link with international human rights law and principles is therefore very clear. The principle of non-refoulement is an established concept in international law, particularly in the context of refugee law. The principle is based on the assumption that a refugee flees his or her country of origin for well-founded fear of persecution, which represents a very high risk to the life and/or physical integrity of the person. These conditions prohibit states from refusing or returning applicants for international protection, which is a prerequisite for the recognition of refugee rights and cornerstones of international refugee law. This principle is enshrined in Article 33 of Country Recommendation No. 51. However, this is not the only basis for the definition and application of non-refoulement in international law.
Every year, millions of people seek protection in countries other than their own, for fear of being tortured, persecuted or killed. Finding protection is not easy. States strictly guard their borders, making it difficult for foreigners to seek and benefit from protection against serious harm. Regardless of where they are or why they flee, people seeking international protection are vulnerable and insecure; have an urgent need to know, understand and receive their rights. This book examines the fundamental right of every forcibly displaced person to protection from refoulement. The prohibition of refoulement is the cornerstone of international refugee and asylum law and aims to provide protection to people at risk of persecution, torture, inhuman treatment or other human rights violations when they return to their own countries. This book provides a comprehensive legal analysis of the prohibitions on refoulement contained in four human rights treaties: the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, the European Convention on Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Convention against Torture. The analysis focuses on the international importance of refoulement bans and the responsibility of States arising from such prohibitions. The four treaties are analysed in separate chapters. The final chapter compares the prohibitions on refoulement contained in the four treaties examined.
This book will be an important resource for lawyers, students and practitioners working with asylum seekers and refugees around the world. It is also a warning to states that are committed to protecting people from the victims of unspeakable atrocities. Kees Wouters has worked with and for refugees and asylum seekers in various countries and environments, from as a lawyer in the refugee section of Amnesty International`s Dutch section to a consultant/lawyer for the Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions in Asia. The research for this book was conducted at the Institute of Immigration Law at Leiden University in the Netherlands. This book is linked to the E.M. Meijers Institute of Legal Studies series, Leiden Law School, Leiden University, The Netherlands. Use your phone`s camera – scan the code below and download the Kindle app. Access the full article using one of the following access options. Buy instant access (PDF download and unlimited online access): Connect with Open Athens, Shibboleth or your institutional references This special ISBN edition is currently unavailable. “Synopsis” could belong to another edition of this title. Learn more about this | seller Contact this seller Discover other books by the author, see similar authors, read author blogs, and more.
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