12 dets. Which of the following Is a Legal Document That States the Patient’s Final Wishes
“If this planning process hasn`t taken place, family members can be pushed into an uncomfortable place where they have to decide on the medical care of someone they love very much. You might end up feeling very guilty about the decisions that are being made – [it`s “could, should, should have,” says Dr. Ritzau. Sometimes decisions need to be made about using emergency treatment to keep you alive. Doctors may use several artificial or mechanical means to try this. The decisions that may be pending at this time concern: the living will. A living will is a written document that helps you tell doctors how you would like to be treated if you die or are permanently unconscious and cannot make your own decisions about emergency treatment. In a living will, you can indicate which of the procedures described in the Decisions that may come section you want, which one you would not, and under what conditions each of your decisions applies. When determining your desires, think about your values. Consider how important it is for you to be independent and self-reliant, and identify circumstances that might make you feel like your life is not worth living. Do you want treatment to prolong your life in any situation? All situations? Would you only want treatment if a cure is possible? In fact, the legal status of living wills varies considerably from state to state.
Massachusetts does not recognize living wills, while Rhode Island provides a document similar to a living document in its “Sustainable Power of Attorney for Health Care” form, page 3: Part II: Health Care Instructions. Given the variability, conversations often offer more value than the forms themselves, says Dr. Ritzau. Even if you already have a living will that includes your resuscitation and intubation preferences, it`s still a good idea to create DNR or DNI prescriptions every time you`re admitted to a new hospital or health facility. A number of states use POLST and MOLST forms that are filled out by your doctor or sometimes by a nurse or medical assistant. The doctor will complete a POLST or MOLST after discussing your wishes with you and your family. Once this form is signed by your doctor, it has the same authority as any other medical order. Check with your state health department to see if these forms are available where you live. To have the best chance of living your final months and weeks the way you want, you need to plan ahead and make sure people know what you want. This applies to everyone, whether you are healthy, recovering from a serious illness or in palliative care. Your loved ones and doctors will also appreciate it, because they know they are following your wishes. Experts recommend that everyone have a DPOA and a living will.
If you live in more than one state — for example, Florida in the winter and New Jersey in the summer — you may need documents created in each state. In most cases, however, states recognize each other`s legal documents. Many people have a DPOA and a living will. The documents can complement each other and guarantee that your wishes are fulfilled by a trusted person. Some states offer a single document that combines the DPOA and the living will. Most importantly, it is important to understand that an advance directive is limited by its purpose: not to prolong the death process. If a person executes a living will prohibiting the use of a ventilator, that person`s wishes will be respected if the ventilator does nothing but prolong the dying process. In some circumstances, a person is hooked up to a ventilator in anticipation of recovery. In this case, the ventilator does not prolong the death of a person. Many Americans face questions about medical treatment, but may not be able to make those decisions, such as in an emergency or at the end of life. This article explains the types of decisions that need to be made in such cases and the questions you can think about now in order to be prepared later.
This can help you think about who you want to make decisions for yourself if you can`t make them yourself. He will also discuss how to share your wishes with others. Knowing who you want to decide on your behalf and how you would decide could relieve family and friends. No matter what others may expect, remember that it`s entirely up to you to decide who knows what and when. Many countries have their own pension forms. Your local aging agency can help you find the right forms. You can find your regional agency`s phone number by calling eldercare.acl.gov or visiting the Seniors Care Locator toll-free at 1-800-677-1116. Your family will also have an impact on your medical care.