What Is Display Rule in Ribbon Workbench

What Is Display Rule in Ribbon Workbench

Because they are evaluated on the client side, activation rules can be re-evaluated if necessary using Xrm.Page.ui.refreshRibbon to dynamically show/hide buttons based on changes to form data. Display rules, on the other hand, are not re-evaluated until the page is refreshed. Use this type of rule to display ribbon items when a user has specific permissions on a table. You must specify the permission depth and the specific permission you want to check. Note that we do not use != (not equal), but use a standard comparison, but reverse the result so that the rule evaluates as false if it returns true. I assumed it would evaluate non-tabular data, but the ribbon seems to use the formContext.data.entity attributes. It didn`t occur to me until I started writing a custom rule, and it was an easy idea to test. The attribute can, of course, be hidden on the form if it doesn`t need to exist otherwise. Here`s the difference between the display rule and the sample activation rule.

For command bars, both types of rules behave the same for end users. Activation rules and display rules hide the button. Although the behavior is identical, note that activation and display rules provide different sets of rules, for example, JavaScript custom rules are activation rules. This type of rule is applied to selected records in a grid. You can determine the relationship type as follows: ribbonworkbench.uservoice.com/…/276684-differences-between-crm2011-and-crm2013-ribbon-com After publishing, you will notice that the button is only enabled if the rules match the criteria when the form loads. To dynamically change the ribbon when a field value changes, you must create a JavaScript web resource with the following JavaScript function: Note that in many cases, you may need an activation rule instead of a “display rule.” Since MS Dynamics 2013, both types of rules hide and show buttons. The main difference is that display rules are evaluated on the server side, while activation rules are evaluated on the client side. If you need to show or hide buttons because of user actions on the form, you must use activation rules, such as CustomRule that calls a JavaScript function on the form that returns a Boolean value. juniorcrmblog.blogspot.com/…/difference-between-enable-rule-vs.html Specifies a rule that returns false when the web application is viewed in a mobile browser on a tablet. You must enable or disable a button on the form ribbon by using the following rule, depending on the field values: As mentioned in the documentation, there is a visual difference in the legacy ribbon UI because the enabled rules disable buttons rather than hiding them, although the ribbon UI rarely appears in older Outlook and Web clients. You can see a process similar to this in the following video: www.develop1.net/public/post/Dynamically-ShowHide-a-standard-ribbon-button-based-on-a-form-value.aspx Specifies a rule that can detect whether a ribbon is displayed in the context of a particular entity. This is largely a historical difference.

In CRM 2011 and earlier, buttons could be completely hidden (using a display rule) or displayed but grayed out (using an activation rule). Since 2013, both types of rules cause the button to be hidden. However, there is another crucial difference: the display rule evaluates only the attributes available in the form. true is the correct value for a bool, I just needed to add the attribute to the form. After publishing, the ribbon button should be enabled and disabled based on the values in your form. For commands defined for the subgrid of forms that use the updated user interface, value rules cannot be used in display rules. Use this element in a to hide an element. Use this type of rule to find permissions that do not apply to a particular table, such as ExportToExcel, MailMerge, or GoOffline. The following links describe the display rules and activation rules. Note: Value rules cannot be used in the Grid or Home Page ribbons. To implement similar functions, you must create a JavaScript function to dynamically retrieve data from the server and return true/false.

Display rules are evaluated on the server side, activation rules on the client side. Therefore, there are certain types of rules that can be used in one but not in the other. For example, you can use an EntityPrivilegeRule only in a display rule, but a CustomRule can only be used in an activation rule. Note that after you import and publish your ribbondiffxml, your browser may cache the previous definition for a while, even after a page refresh. This is exactly the same as a display rule, it hides a button; Well, what is the difference between the two, because from the text, it seems that they do exactly the same thing. Does anyone know what the correct value is for judging a bool? The button should appear if the value is true (or not false). The CRM2011 ribbon can read values from the active form from an activation rule. The ribbon workbench allows you to create an activation rule with an “Or” set of rules. Each Gold rule contains one or more OrGroups.